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TMS FNC UI Pack V2.1.2.2 XE7-D10.2 Tokyo

TMS FNC UI Pack v2.1.2.2 XE7-D10.2 Tokyo: The Ultimate Toolkit for Cross-Platform UI Development

If you are looking for a way to create stunning user interfaces for your Delphi or C++ Builder applications, you should check out the TMS FNC UI Pack v2.1.2.2 XE7-D10.2 Tokyo. This is a powerful set of components that can help you design modern and feature-rich UIs for VCL, FMX, LCL and WEB core apps. In this article, we will explore some of the features and benefits of using the TMS FNC UI Pack.

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What is TMS FNC UI Pack?

TMS FNC UI Pack is a collection of over 50 UI controls that can be used to create cross-platform applications with Delphi or C++ Builder. The components are based on the FNC framework, which stands for Framework Neutral Components. This means that the components can be used with any framework supported by Delphi or C++ Builder, such as VCL, FMX, LCL and WEB. The components are also compatible with Lazarus and CodeTyphon.

The TMS FNC UI Pack includes a variety of components, such as grid, planner, treeview, ribbon, rich text editor, kanban board, page control, object inspector, edits, lists, pickers, selectors, progress bars and ratings. These components offer a high level of customization and functionality, such as data binding, filtering, sorting, grouping, exporting, syntax highlighting, breakpoints, code completion and more. You can also easily change the look and feel of the components with one of the pre-defined themes or create your own custom theme.

Why use TMS FNC UI Pack?

There are many reasons to use the TMS FNC UI Pack for your cross-platform UI development. Here are some of the main benefits:

  • You can use the same component set for different frameworks and platforms without having to rewrite your code or use conditional compilation. This saves you time and effort and ensures consistency across your applications.

  • You can take advantage of the powerful features and performance of the components to create rich and interactive user experiences for your applications. The components are designed to handle large amounts of data and complex scenarios with ease.

  • You can customize the appearance and behavior of the components to suit your needs and preferences. You can choose from various themes or create your own theme using the built-in style editor. You can also use different editors and renderers for different cells in the grid or treeview.

  • You can integrate the components with other TMS products or third-party libraries to extend their functionality and compatibility. For example, you can use the TMS FNC Cloud Pack to connect your applications to cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and more. You can also use the TMS FNC Maps to display maps from various providers such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap and more.

How to get started with TMS FNC UI Pack?

If you want to try out the TMS FNC UI Pack for yourself, you can download a free trial version from the official website. The trial version is limited to WEB Core, FMX and VCL frameworks and supports deploying in release mode only for mobile devices. The trial version also includes demos and documentation to help you get started.

If you want to purchase a full version of the TMS FNC UI Pack, you have several options. You can buy a single developer license for 325 with a yearly renewal fee of 150. This license includes full source code access, free updates and new releases, and access to the TMS Support Center. You can also buy a small team license for up to 5 developers or a site license for unlimited developers at your company location.

Alternatively, you can buy a bundle of all TMS FNC products, which includes the TMS FNC UI Pack, the TMS FNC Cloud Pack, the TMS FNC Maps, the TMS FNC Chart and the TMS FNC Dashboard Pack. This bundle costs 795 with a yearly renewal fee of 335 for a single developer license. You can also buy a bundle of all TMS products, which includes all TMS FNC products as well as all TMS VCL, FMX, WEB and Business products. This bundle costs 1,795 with a yearly renewal fee of 575 for a single developer license.


TMS FNC UI Pack v2.1.2.2 XE7-D10.2 Tokyo is a great toolkit for cross-platform UI development with Delphi or C++ Builder. It offers a wide range of components that can be used with any framework supported by Delphi or C++ Builder, such as VCL, FMX, LCL and WEB. It also provides powerful features and customization options to create stunning and interactive user interfaces for your applications. You can download a free trial version or buy a full version from the official website. You can also buy a bundle of all TMS FNC products or all TMS products to get access to more components and features.


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